Utstilling: Wittgenstein on Vacation

To av Prosjektskolens lærere, Sebastian Makonnen Kjølaas og Marianne Bredesen, arrangerer i samarbeid med Wittgenstein-foreningen i Skjolden utstilling og busstur til Wittgensteins gamle hytte i Skjolden (Sognefjorden) fra 21. til 23. august 2015. Utstillingen heter «Wittgenstein on Vacation» og tematiserer den østerriske filosofen Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951). Publikum kan bli med på bussturen hele veien fra Oslo til Skjolden denne helgen og oppleve en utstilling og performance i Sognefjordens naturomgivelser. Prosjektet er støttet av KORO, og vil resultere i en bok og nettside med tekster av Knut Olav Åmås, Rune Falch, Mikael D. Brkic, Marianne Bredesen og Sebastian Makonnen Kjølaas.

Prosjektets nettside: http://www.wittgensteinonvacation.no
Facebook-event: https://www.facebook.com/events/885910138125306


Part I
21. – 23. august 2015
“Little Austria”
Skjolden, Luster Kommune, Sogn og Fjordane (NO)
Opening the 22th of august. Performance by Siri Hjorth.

The project Wittgenstein on Vacation is developed by Marianne Bredesen and Sebastian Makonnen Kjølaas, in collaboration with the Wittgenstein Society in Skjolden. Supported by Public Art Norway, KORO (URO).

“Philosophical problems arise when language goes on holiday.”
– Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations (Malden, MA: Blackwell, 2001), § 38.

In 1914 the Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein started building a small wooden cabin on a secluded hilltop outside of Skjolden in Norway. At the far end of the world’s deepest and longest fjord, Wittgenstein lay the foundation for his greatest work, Tractatus Logico Philosophicus. A book which claimed to have solved the fundamental problems of philosophy. “There is indeed things that cannot be put into words” Wittgenstein said, “they make themselves manifest. They are what is mystical”.

The project is about a central cultural persona hiding in the social periphery, a location meddling with an event, work being done on vacation, and subsequently – art blaming philosophy. Did the problems disappear, or only Wittgenstein?

Wittgenstein on Vacation will take place at the ruin of Wittgenstein’s cabin at the 22th of august 2015. There will be a free buss from Oslo to Skjolden departing at 11:00 a.m. on Friday the 21th of august and a two night free layover at Vassbakken Camping, traveling back at the 23th of august.

More information at:

The webpage is the crux of the projects ongoing production, and contain texts by artists, philosophers and others who wish to present Wittgenstein’s thoughts in an alternative fashion. Supplemented with pictures, and video-documentation the webpage wants to present the avid, as well as vacational reader with different takes on Wittgenstein’s thoughts and life.

Text contributors:
Knut Olav Åmås
Rune Falch
Mikael D. Brkic
Michael Hare
Marianne Bredesen
Sebastian Makonnen Kjølaas

Michael Hare


If you wish to attend, send a mail to this address.
